Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Rob Roy.

This is coolbert:

Rob Roy the Scotsman speaks! Actually Douglas Macgregor speaks!

Here with a tweet by the distinguished American military man Douglas Macgregor.


"The Israeli losses are predicted to exceed 1,000 dead. 

It is inconceivable that the IDF had NO ready forces positioned in the South or the North to deal with potential violence on the anniversary of 1973. 

At the same time, the Arabs did what they never do. They shut up. 

In this sense, it’s reminiscent of two conditions."

As to what those two conditions are, devoted readers to the blog will have to read the rest of the tweet by themselves.

As to the curriculum vitae of Douglas Macgregor:

Douglas Macgregor


U.S. Army Colonel Retired Combat Veteran | SECDEF Advisor | Author | Consultant | Military TV Analyst |

Hardly can the pronouncements of Colonel Macgregor be ignored!


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