Friday, October 20, 2023


This is coolbert:

Devoted readers to the blog believe me when I say I am not impressed!

My blog entry here short and terse!

"terse: adjective - Brief and to the point; effectively concise."

"Luxembourg [Lux] Army developing sniper capability with training by Belgian commandos"

From | 20 OCTOBER 2023.

With regard to the Luxembourg Armed Forces see the wiki entry:

"The Luxembourg Armed Forces . . . are the national military force of Luxembourg. The army has been a fully volunteer military since 1967. As of December 2018, it has 939 personnel."

Consider that Lux a constituent member of NATO. Yearly expenditure of Percent of GDP for military [NATO] spending a half of one percent 0.56% 

Lux allocations as agreed upon for NATO contribution well below average. A paltry sum. Lux hardly a poor nation too.

Lux troops when activated for NATO mission fight as a component of the Belgian army? They did so in Korea.


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