Sunday, October 29, 2023

Lancet II.

This is coolbert:

“It’s important to understand that these drones are quite expensive, costing, according to some sources, a couple of million rubles [about $21,200 US, ed.]. Therefore, the drone’s target must be more expensive than that – a tank, a self-propelled artillery unit, a HIMARS launcher, etc,” - Viktor Litovkin.

More Russian Lancet combat drone stuff. Thanks to

"Russia’s Lancet Drones Just Got Deadlier: Here’s Why"

"First appearing on the battlefield in limited numbers in Ukraine in 2022, ZALA Lancet loitering munitions gained international attention this spring and summer, when they were used en masse to target Ukrainian military equipment ranging from vehicles and tanks to artillery and even naval gunboats during Kiev’s attempted counteroffensive."

This Litovkin correct! The cost of whatever target destroyed must exceed by a considerable margin the cost of the drone. Judicious use of Lancet drones mandated!

Dig that wing configuration the drone when launched. From what I read I can reasonably [?] infer the Lancet latest version has electro-optic sensors programmed to pick out from the background clutter the image of a high-value [in the sense of monetary value] target of whatever type. A tank, artillery firing piece, multiple-rocket launcher.

Lancet now has an autonomous "hunt" capability and swarm feature?

See previous blog the topic Russian Lancet combat drone:


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