Tuesday, October 24, 2023


This is coolbert:

The Ukrainian resourceful, resilient, adaptive and innovative!

"Ukrainians using Russian chips for drones – media"

Chips as micro-electronic integrated-circuitry. 

"Kiev’s forces have reportedly been using components [micro-electronic integrated-circuitry] salvaged from Moscow’s suicide UAVs"

From https://www.russiaherald.com via RT.com | 22 Oct 2023.

"The Ukrainian military is using electronic components salvaged from Russian Geran-2 loitering munitions to assemble their own suicide drones, the online outlet Mash reported on Saturday."

"The outlet [Mash] circulated imagery of a Ukrainian homebuilt suicide drone, apparently containing a navigation module from a [Russian] Geran-2 [combat drone]."

"The re-purposed navigation component used in the Ukrainian drone was identified by the outlet as a Kometa (Comet) module that is utilized in Geran-2 drones. The module is said to be located in the wing section of the Russian loitering munition and usually survives impact. The Kometa is said to use the Russian satellite navigation system GLONASS for setting the course of the drone."

GLONASS Russian variety of Global Positioning System. GLONASS in some manner impervious to jamming? GPS guidance for Ukrainian drones subjected to Russian electronic warfare attack too vulnerable!


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