Wednesday, October 4, 2023


This is coolbert:

Stop thief!

Image of HMSW Bulwark badge courtesy: By Royal Navy - [1], Fair use,

1. "Daring crooks steal £250k [about $300,000 USD]of diesel from Navy ship in one of UK's biggest fuel heists"

From | article by Emma Soteriou | 7 April 2022.

"The diesel was reported to have been stolen from HMS Bulwark."

"Thieves have stolen more than £250,000 worth of diesel from a Royal Navy warship in one of the country's biggest ever fuel heists."

"The massive theft occurred in the high security HMNB Devonport in Plymouth, with the navy said to have been left 'furious' about it."

"The crooks responsible took off with tankers intended to power HMS Bulwark in a heist that ran for weeks, The Sun reported."

Pay special attention to items: * High-security naval base. * Theft that ran for weeks.

This too!

2. "Gang steals 800,000 liters of fuel from NATO pipeline"

From | FEATUREDWIB CULTURE | October 3, 2023.

"Rome/Brussels — Criminals siphoned off 800,000 liters [about 200k,000 gallons] of jet fuel from a NATO pipeline near the French-Belgian border at the end of the last decade before the spectacular heist was uncovered in June 2019, a NATO spokeswoman confirmed"

"The gang tapped the Western alliance’s pipeline system in a field, selling the fuel – kerosene – to unsuspecting motorists and others."

"Italy’s financial police first reported investigations into the case some days ago, estimating the quantity stolen at 900,000 liters. According to their information, the fuel, which is not suitable for motor vehicles, was transported to Italy for sale."

Hardly such pilferage even on a major scale not without precedent. During WW2 about 20 % of all American stores of all sorts found in depots throughout France stolen by a combination of local gangsters and American deserters resorting to criminal behavior.


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