Tuesday, October 31, 2023


This is coolbert:

Within context of the Gaza War see from the archives of The New York Times during that era of the American Civil War.

"New-York, Saturday, October 31, 1863."

"Supplemental News."


"Three Heavy Guns Turned upon the City."

"'Greek Fire' Shell Thrown Into its Heart."

"Our batteries on the Islands at work."

"The Enemy Surprised, and Reply Reservedly."


"Doubts about the Seriousness of the Assault."


* Greek fire as defined during the American Civil War: "'Greek fire.' This was a special chemical combination that looked like water but, when exposed to air, after a delay, would ignite in flames."

* Monitor warships: "shallow-draught armored shore bombardment vessels [having big-bore guns]"

Charleston and South Carolina that city and state USA perceived by the Union forces the American Civil War that locale where the rebellion of the Southern states began. A city meriting and worthy of being on the receiving end of extreme measures.

Charleston 1863 in for a rough time. Gaza 2023 in for a rough time also.


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