Tuesday, October 3, 2023


This is coolbert:

Enduring commitment lasts a single month!

"enduring: adjective - Lasting; continuing; durable."

"Jesse Kline: Trudeau cuts defense spending to fund socialist pet projects"

"Having a military capable of defending your borders is not something you want to be caught without when you need it most"

From https://nationalpost.com | Jesse Kline | Oct 02, 2023  •  

"When politicians get in a room together, are they overwhelmed by the wafting scent of bulls–t, or do they simply become immune to it after awhile?"

In July, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met with their NATO allies in Vilnius, Lithuania, where they pledged their 'enduring commitment to invest at least two per cent of our gross domestic product (GDP) annually on defense,' noting that, 'in many cases, expenditure beyond > two per cent of GDP will be needed in order to remedy existing shortfalls and meet the requirements across all domains arising from a more contested security order.'”

Rectify existing shortages and deficiencies of war-making BANG stuff. Increase current force structure and allow military readiness for a future conflict to flourish in a high-state of preparation.

As to not so much Canadian spending and military readiness posture but rather the German:

"This came a year and a half after Scholz, realizing the increased security threat from Russia following its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, set up a 100-billion euro defense fund and promised to beat the two per cent target 'year after year.'”

"Yet less than a month after the July NATO summit in Lithuania, Scholz’s government quietly dropped a legal requirement for it to meet the two per cent target on an annual basis from its budget financing law. The government would only commit to spending two per cent on average over a five-year period. And even that might not last: according to an August 2022 report from the German Economic Institute, once Berlin’s defense fund dries up in 2027, spending will once again fall to 1.2 per cent of GDP."

As the famous Sun Tzu would have said from thousands of years ago now:  "The King is only fond of words, and cannot translate them into deeds"

As with King Ho Lu twenty-five hundred years ago, so with Chancellor Scholz today!

You better believe it!

As I am fond of so much see the acerbic comments of Rabbi Dov 100 % as true to the mark NATO spending here:



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