Thursday, October 19, 2023

DDG 64.

This is coolbert:

The finger of a Houthi Yemeni on the trigger but an Iranian giving permission to fire?

"First on CNN: US Navy warship near Yemen intercepts multiple missiles, US officials say"

Article Jim Sciutto, Oren Liebermann and Natasha Bertrand | CNN | October 19, 2023. All thanks to CNN.

"A US Navy warship operating in the Middle East intercepted multiple projectiles near the coast of Yemen on Thursday, two US officials told CNN."

"One of the officials said the missiles were fired by Iranian-backed Houthi militants, who are engaged in an ongoing conflict in Yemen. Approximately 2-3 missiles were intercepted, according to the second official."

"Later Thursday Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder confirmed that the USS Carney shot down three land attack missiles as well as several drones that were launched by Iran-backed Houthi forces in Yemen."

Indeed! The Iranian saying engage as a means of testing the USA during a time of severe crisis. Pushing the envelope as they say! My instantaneous and intuitive response!

"'Push the envelope' means to attempt to extend the current limits of performance, innovate, or go beyond commonly accepted boundaries"


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