Saturday, October 14, 2023


This is coolbert:

Canadian Prime Minister W.L. Mackenzie King!

"When Canadian Troops Booed Their Prime Minister"

"boo: said to show disapproval or contempt"

As extracted from Epoch Times | the article by C.P. Champion | 10/12/2023.

"It doesn’t often happen that soldiers boo their political leaders. For one thing it is beyond disrespectful for military members to show contempt in public toward those to whom they are subordinate in a liberal democracy. Even if troops dislike a particular politician, or disdain politicians in general, it is a gross breach of discipline to show it publicly."

"But that is what happened to William Lyon Mackenzie King during the Second World War. It’s a dubious distinction."

Canadian army contingent [CASF] World War Two having the highest quality of personnel being left in the lurch and not happy. Stationed in England and ready-to-go into action with the German enemy but short of all necessary supplies, equipment and basic fundamental necessities as needed by a full-fledged and credible military force.

Mackenzie King receiving raspberries from the assemblage of Canadian troops as a result.

"raspberry: noun - broadly : an expression of disapproval or contempt"

Canadian troop when finally sent into combat 2 1/2 years after arrival in Great Britain that first encounter with the German catastrophic! Think the Dieppe Raid, Operation Jubilee. 5,000 Canadians participating, casualties greater > 50 % for no real gain!

See previous blog entries current Canadian military spending. As it was in the inter-war years as it is now:


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