Sunday, October 22, 2023


This is coolbert:

War is always no damned good for the economy! Israel the military mobilized in 1973 and 2023 both! You had better believe it!

"Israel's Economy Burdened by War"

From the archive of the New York Times | the article by Moshe Brilliant  |  Jan. 27, 1974.

"TEL AVIV—Between 150, 000 and 200,000 Israelis are now in their fourth month of military reserve duty. That's 10 times as many as in the relatively normal times before the war that broke out on Yom Kippur, the day of atonement."

"The reservists represent some 15 per cent of the country's labor force, but the effect of their removal from their civilian occupations has been disproportionately great. The mobilization of drivers created transport bottlenecks. The absence of foremen reduced efficiency in factories. Many small enterprises have remained shut since their proprietors were called up."

"Officials in Jerusalem estimate the mobilization in the first three months of the war [1973] cost the economy some $750‐million. That loss, 15 to 20 per cent of the gross national product, was separate from the billions spent for the upkeep of the armed forces and for the replacement of material destroyed in fighting."

Israel not the same country it was fifty years ago. Fairly wealthy and reputed to be # 1 in the world [?] for high-technology start up companies. So perhaps the strain of so many able-bodied young men removed from the work force will not be so injurious to the economy after all. But if the wat CONTINUES for an indefinite period, what then can be expected?

Moshe Brilliant unfortunately not with us any longer. And to the Gaza situation in 2023 Moshe would have said exactly what?


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