Saturday, September 23, 2023


This is coolbert:

Black Sea again the Ukraine Conflict a side-show and nothing more. Or is it?

Missile strike the Russian naval headquarters Crimea doing great damage as is reported.

"Video: SCALP cruise missile 'tears in two' the headquarters of the Russian Fleet in Sevastopol - Fury in Moscow: 'It's time for an ultimatum to the West'"

From https://warnews247-gr. | 22/09/2023.

"Another video of today's Ukrainian attack against the Headquarters of the Russian Fleet in Sevastopol was made public."


"Russian sources are talking about two SCALP missions [missiles] and not Storm Shadow."

Understand the SCALP [French] and Storm Shadow [English] basically one and the same missile.

"It is a given that the number of casualties will increase for the Russians. The building has been torn apart as the rockets penetrated several floors. The fire was burning until a while ago."

"The Ukrainians report that Admiral Viktor Sokolov, Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, was killed but this information is not confirmed."

Further from a tweet by Victor and thanks to same:

Victor vicktop55


"An evacuation was announced at the Black Sea Fleet headquarters at the time of the missile strike.  The main personnel and civil servants were withdrawn.  A conscript from the guard died."  

"In Sevastopol, after the missile attack, judging by the video, smoke screens were put up"

Russians understandably so IRATE. Warning in the form of an ULTIMATUM will be given to the NATO alliance. Cease giving the Ukrainian these "deep strike" weapons.


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