Friday, September 15, 2023


This is coolbert:

Lurid! Salacious! Licentious! Tittilatting! British army lads, elite troops, behaving badly.

"orgy : noun - A social gathering involving unrestrained indulgence, especially sexual activity and drinking."

The Blockrat phenomenon. See my previous blog entry on the topic from over a year ago. Further details all courtesy here the English tabloid "The Sun".

1. "ORGY ALL-CLEAR Parachute Regiment troops who filmed sex romps with woman on Army base broke NO laws, police say" | Jerome Starkey | 10 Jun 2022.

"A PARA gang-bang on an Army base broke no laws police have concluded."

Parachute troops the British army referred to as PARA. Gang-bang usually refers to many men engaging in sexual behavior with a single female individual.

2. "SQUADDIE SEX SHAME Crack troops from Parachute Regiment recorded having ORGY at their barracks" | Jerome Starkey James Somper | 7 Jun 2022.

"CRACK troops from the Parachute Regiment have been recorded having an orgy at their barrack"

SQUADDIE = British military parlance for: A private in the army.

3. "NO DEFENCE Squaddies’ shock orgy shows Army is stuck in the 1990s, Ben Wallace fumes" | Jonathan Reilly | 8 Jun 2022.l

"SQUADDIES who filmed themselves having an orgy in their barracks show the Army is still stuck in the 1990s, the Defense Secretary fumed."


4. "'DISGUSTED' Parachute Regiment troops told to take STD tests after woman they had orgy with visited base 31 times since January" | Jerome Starkey | 8 Jun 2022.

"DOZENS of soldiers have been told to take STD tests after it emerged that a woman filmed in an orgy had visited their base at least 31 times since January."

I guess that worst aspect of all this is that this woman [evidently the same woman each and every time] managed to enter a restricted military facility so many times unimpeded? But this is just my opinion.


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