Monday, September 18, 2023

Li Shangfu.

This is coolbert:

As was with Jack Ma so too will it be with Li Shangfu. Here yesterday, gone today? Purged? Out of favor? Banished? It is all unclear.

"Missing Chinese defense chief signals turmoil in Xi's government"

From | the article JESSE JOHNSON | STAFF WRITER | Sep 15, 2023.

"The United States believes Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu has been placed under investigation and relieved of his command, reports said Friday, in what could be the latest sign of turmoil in Chinese leader Xi Jinping's government, just over six months after he installed a collection of loyalist leaders in his Cabinet."

"Three U.S. officials and two people briefed on intelligence surrounding Li told the Financial Times that Washington has concluded that the defense chief, who took up his post in March, had been stripped of his responsibilities."

Jack Ma of Alibaba having made what was perceived as a mild criticism of the Chinese Communist party ruling elite disappearing for a period of weeks or months without a trace. Jack at the time of his   vanishing one of the richest men in the world. Jack having dropped out of sight and mind for a while only later to return but in a much chastised state, his pronouncements much more muted.

As with Jack, so too with Li?


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