Friday, September 8, 2023


This is coolbert:

"You know well, my brothers, that we have four obligations to fight for to the death. First, for our faith and religion, second for our country, third for our King, the representative of the Lord (God) and fourth, for our friends and relatives. Thus, my brothers, if we are obliged to fight until death for one of these four ideals, we must be much more prepared to give our lives for all four at the same time". - Constantine XI.

Kuwae. Vanuatu, South Pacific Ocean. 1453. Largest volcanic eruption of the last 10,000 years. Creating atmospheric paranormal phenomenon interpreted as a sign of doom, the besieged Byzantines knowing with dread the end was near. Paranormal with the military dimension. Great signs, omens and portents in the heaven.

"The eruption occurred just before the siege of Constantinople, the last bastion of the once-mighty Byzantine Empire. The Ottoman Turks, led by Sultan Muhammad II, laid siege to the city on April 5, 1453, and conquered it on May 29 of that year."

"What happened above Hagia Sophia on May 28, 1453?"

From Hagia Sophia at that exact moment 1453 the largest and most resplendent church in all of Christendom.

"God's signs in 1453 in Constantinople:

A few days prior to the fall of Constantinople into the hands of the Ottomans, strange signs appeared in the city and the sky above it. Although it was 22nd of May 1453, the city was covered from a strange thick layer of fog. This 'out of this world' atmosphere intensified the bad mood of all the inhabitants. Many compared the event with the equivalent darkness during the hours of the crucifixion of Jesus. That same night another strange and unexplained phenomenon was observed in the sky. The sky was clear, pleasant and free from clouds. Although the Moon should have been seen as a full moon, the Moon appeared as if it only were three days old ( New Moon).

The phenomenon lasted for about four hours and frightened the city's inhabitants. During the night hours of that same day, there was another more mysterious event. At first, some sort of mysterious light was seen to be shining throughout the entirety of the city. Something as if the enemy was 'mentally' burning the city of Constantinople. All of its inhabitants were watching it. This unprecedented light was focused, with the passage of time, precisely above the dome of the Hagia Sophia."

"On the top of the window, a large flame was trailing to the outside and surrounded the dome of the church for quite some time. After that, it flew towards the sky. Those who had seen the phenomenon became numb and begun to lament and shout in Greek: 'Lord have mercy! The light itself has risen to the sky!" - Nestor Iskander.

See too the words of Constantine XI when it finally was understood that the Byzantine Empire was irrevocably gone, one-thousand years of tradition for all time erased and destroyed.


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