Monday, September 4, 2023


This is coolbert:

Compensation for persons sickened by exposure to nuclear radiation being contemplated.

Downwinders they are called citizens USA as having been exposed to above-ground testing of atom weapons the Nevada Test Site [NTS] to blame.

About sixty years too late!

 1. "Top prosecutors back compensation for those sickened by US nuclear weapons testing"

From | story by SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN | via The Associated Press | August 30, 2023.

"ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez and 13 other top prosecutors from around the U.S. are throwing their support behind efforts to compensate people sickened by exposure to radiation during nuclear weapons testing."

2. "General Groves and the Radiation ‘Hoax’"

3. "American Soldiers Faced Radiation Dangers in Hiroshima and Nagasaki"

4. "‘The government lied to everyone in Southern Utah’: New documentary on downwinders to air on PBS Utah"

ABOVEGROUND atomic weapons the Nevada Test Site lasting for about ten years. Ended as a result of the "Limited Test Ban Treaty".

That most egregious example of exposure to atomic test nuclear radiation perhaps the American city of St. George Utah, USA. St. George 100 miles [160 kilometers] east of the NTS. 

"recently unclassified documents have revealed that fallout from the tests drifted across most of the U.S. St. George, Utah is one major example of this. Wind currents caused residents of Utah to be affected by radioactive fallout. Particles that spread, such as iodine-131, can enter the body through contaminated food, drinks, or air, and eventually lead to cancer or birth defects. While the testing occurred, especially in the 1950s, residents did not know of possible health risks."

St. George often has been referred to as that one place the USA as the most desirable for retirement. 


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