Thursday, September 14, 2023


This is coolbert:

"démarche: noun 2 - a petition or protest presented through diplomatic channels"

Ukrainian special operations sabotage caught. Trained by the British. Outrage.

1. "Russia to Deliver Demarche to UK for Training Ukrainian Saboteurs"

From Sputnik International | 13.09.2023.

"VLADIVOSTOK (Sputnik) - Moscow will deliver a demarche to London in connection with the information that the UK was engaged in training Ukrainian sabotage groups that planned attacks in Russia, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova when being interviewed by Sputnik."

"On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that a Ukrainian sabotage group, which sought to blow up power lines in Russia and was captured, admitted that they were trained by instructors from the United Kingdom."

2. "UK Eyeing Use of 'Ukrainian Puppets' to Secure Global Wins Amid MI6 Sabotage Reports - Zakharova"

From |19 August. 

"Yes, indeed, [Russia] will [deliver a demarche], as we did previously and continuously, and conveyed to London both through open channels, making it public, and through diplomatic channels, the inadmissibility of participating in such activities,"

3. "Hal Turner Radio Show"

 From the Internet web sit of HAL TURNER | 12 SEPTEMBER 2023.

"Ukrainians Caught Trying to Sabotage Russian Nuke Plant; Putin says 'Trained by British' - for whom 'There will be consequences'"

"Vladimir Putin today warned Britain of 'serious consequences' and said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 'doesn't understand' the risks after the UK's special forces tried to disrupt Russian nuclear power plants.

This all sounds like British Special Operation Executive [SOE] type missions during World War Two. Targeting Russian atomic power plants? I can fully well understand the Russian their attitude much less than conciliatory. An affront and offense that cannot be ignored.


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