Monday, August 21, 2023


This is coolbert:

Italians the Far East? Italians? Patria e Onore!

Aviation assets the Italian air force the Far East we are well aware of. Now Italian naval assets too!

"East: Italy's Defense Diplomacy"

(Source:; posted April 25, 2023) article by Timothy Ash.

"PARIS --- Like many European countries, Italy looks to the East: the future deployment of the Italian Navy aircraft carrier Cavour, and its main stopovers, draw the map of the Italy’s defense diplomacy of in the Indo-Pacific region."

"Soft and hard power: the art of using selective warships"

Hard & soft Italian style on display undeniably so and for all to behold.

"The ITS Morosini, the second ship in the new PPA class of offshore patrol vessels in name, but clearly a frigate in fact, will cruise eastwards for five months (from April 6 to September 13) . . . This is pure hard power."

"In addition, the Italian Navy’s tall ship, the Vespucci training sailing ship, will travel during 22 months, visit 28 countries: this is the soft power."

"China is clearly being targeted here, as Italy is keen on having more than a jump seat in the region.

Indeed. China is the target here. Show the flag, bilateral military training to demonstrate resolve and commitment. Hard & soft in unison.


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