Wednesday, August 9, 2023


This is coolbert:

Die Deutschen treten weiterhin in ihre eigene Scheiße?

I hate to think it is so but fear it is so!

"Sure Sounds Like Germany Is Giving Ukraine the Mighty Taurus Cruise Missile"

Operational range 500 kilometers [about 300 miles]. Massive 480 kilogram warhead [about 1,000 pounds]. Described as stealthy!

From "Popular Mechanics" via | article by Sébastien Roblin | August 8, 2023. 

"On Monday, a Ukrainian diplomat suggested 'key parliamentary factions'—including those in Scholz’s own SPD party—have reached a 'consensus' in support of transferring some of Germany’s KEPD-350 Taurus stealth cruise missiles to Ukraine to aid in its struggle against invading Russian forces. Ukraine first formally requested the air-launched German-Swedish weapon in May."

"Until now, the administration of Chancellor Olaf Scholz has opposed giving long-range strike weapons to Ukraine on the grounds they could be used to strike targets deep inside Russian territory, potentially leading to dangerous escalation."

More than anything the German continues to deplete their own war-making bang stuff! Almost without a care it seems munitions of all types stockpiled and as needed for contingencies reduced to dangerous levels?

And to all this General Rommel would say?


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