Friday, August 11, 2023


 This is coolbert:

"before the Second World War Italy's technology was at an incredibly high level . . . achievements, especially in the sphere of aviation, submarines and high-speed launches, were really amazing . . . the Italians were the unrecognized geniuses of military and naval technology." - Suvorov.

The tradition continues. SDV = Swimmer delivery vehicle.

"Previously Unreported Italian Special Forces AE-90 Submarine Seen For First Time"

A retired special operations submarine never seen before!

From | H I Sutton | 02 June 2023.

"You know a country’s special forces capabilities are good when they lift the veil of secrecy on one of their retired submersibles and it looks more modern than most navies’ future types. Italy’s COMSUBIN (GOI, aka Incusori) combat swimmers paraded a previously unreported mini-submarine at the Republic day parade in Rome on June 2nd."

Bow to the left in the image, stern to the right. So the uninitiated reader is not confused. This model dry sub commando delivery vehicle now retired.

"It does not necessarily follow that this vehicle is designed for the same types of special forces missions as swimmer delivery vehicles (SDVs) in other countries. Italian special forces, while influenced by certain foreign units, tread their own path in this regard. The submarine may be intended for a specialist mission we can only guess at."

This Italian SDV a dry sub in contrast to a web sub. Naval commando carried to the target of a mission in a manner not exposed to the "ambient environment". A SDV wet sub commando in contrast suited and using SCUBA breathing apparatus such is the underwater exposure.


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