Thursday, August 24, 2023


This is coolbert:

Unless you live in a total news vacuum you cannot have but heard that Yevgeniyy the head musician of the Wagner Group now gone. Yevgeniyy just the other day having been the subject of a prior blog entry. The man hail and hearty at that time. Looking toward the future and all that. Now poof, Progozhin having terminated this existence.

"Wagner Boss's Plane Was Deliberately Downed, US Officials Believe"

From Reuters and Washington Free Beacon Staff | August 24, 2023 the tip from Freeper.

"U.S. officials told media outlets on Thursday that they believe the plane presumed to be carrying mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was deliberately taken down, though there was some disagreement as to how exactly the plane was destroyed."

"Russian air authorities have said Prigozhin, his right-hand man Dmitry Utkin, and eight other people were on the private plane that crashed with no survivors north of Moscow on Wednesday."

"Two U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Reuters that it was likely a surface-to-air missile originating from inside Russia shot down the plane."


My comment: This event let me predict will become the source of endless conspiracy theories far into the future. The plane spontaneously blew up from mechanical trouble. It was a bomb onboard. It was Putin who ordered the event. It was angry Wagnerites. It was a missile. It was a missile from the ground. It was a missile fired from a plane. Prigozhin was on the manifest but not on board. The remains are not his. DNA testing must be done. More DNA testing must be done. A man greatly resembling Yevgeniyy has been seen a number of times dining at a Burger King restaurant in Irkutsk. Etc. Endlessly.


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