Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Plan 4.

This is coolbert:

Invasion USA WW2 the Axis powers.


"Axis Powers can try it if they combine fleets to win sea superiority"

From http://www.bookmice.net | the article by Philip Wylie.

As Extracted from a Life magazine article dated Mar. 2, 1942.

"Plan 4 is the much-discussed invasion by way of Gibraltar-Dakar-Natal-Trinidad, which President Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy as tried to defend against. It is based on combining the Jap, German, Italian and Vichy navies, freed by the capture of Gibraltar and Suez. They must fight the Allied fleets somewhere. Invasion pours up the Mississippi Valley."

Pentagon planners indeed immediately after American entry into the war apparently did see Plan 4 as a possible!

Plan 4 to include the combined fleets of Germany, Italy, Japan and Vichy France to force a crossing of the Atlantic, landing successfully with an invading force Brazil. This was thought to be a possible during the early stages of the war after American entry into the conflict. British fleet either "bottled up" in home waters or rendered impotent in some manner.

"bottle up: verb(tr, adverb) - to keep (an army or other force) contained or trapped"

The American 1st Cavalry Division kept as as strategic reserve stateside until 1943 such was the concern of American senior military officers that some sort of Axis invasion of either Western Mexico or along the coast of Brazil might actually transpire. Soldiers men-a-horse it thought be advantageous in such a situation.

The threat of Axis forces invading the Western Hemisphere was perceived to be real, definitely conceivable under the right set of circumstances.

See further my prior graphic blog entry, the invasion of USA by Imperial Japan.


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