Wednesday, August 30, 2023


This is coolbert:


Strong words from the former Italian Prime Minister.

"‘Defeat for All’ — NATO’s Strategy in Ukraine Has Failed, Says Former Italian PM"

"The West’s strategy in Ukraine and attempts to crush the Russian economy have failed, representing a 'defeat for all', former Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said"

From | KURT ZINDULKA | 29 Aug 2023.

"Commenting on the state of the American-led NATO alliance’s proxy war against Moscow, the former Italian leader said that the strategy of pouring 'continuous military supplies' into Ukraine and 'the logic of escalation' has failed to deliver on the stated goals of the globalist leaders in Europe and Washington."


* As I have mentioned in many previous blog entries, the NATO nations including the USA have sent massive amounts [and are continuing to send] of military munitions to the Ukrainian. Even to the extent of eliminating stockpiles of war-making bang stuff that the NATO nations would need for their own defense.

* This almost cavalier talk of using tactical nuclear weapons too is most worrying. Even a minor use [is their a minor use?] of atomic weapons might lead very quickly to inevitable escalation for all that will mean.

* Economic sanctions as applied to the Russian seem to have not had the desired outcome. Rein in the Russian, compel Vlad to stop! Sanctions alone from the energy standpoint, Russia and the rest of Europe both, have caused a big bite but not so terrible and disastrous as might have been anticipated.


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