Monday, July 31, 2023


This is coolbert:

Here another iconic war photograph. Soviet army officer World War Two leading Red Army troops into battle.

 A photo not staged and not a fake as been attributed to the "Falling Soldier" image of the Spanish Civil War.

"The TRUE story behind the iconic WW2 photo of a battalion commander"


Image thanks to Max Alpert/Sputnik | public domain.

"Max Alpert’s ‘Battalion Commander’ is one of the most famous photographs of the Great Patriotic War. However, for the longest time, that fame didn’t spread to the person depicted in it."

"War correspondent Max Alpert’s photo 'Kombat’ ('Battalion Commander') shows a commander calling his troops into battle."

"Alpert captured the figure of the man on July 12, 1942, on the Southern Front, during the battle under Voroshylovgrad (modern-day Lugansk) and decided that he must have been a battalion commander, giving the photograph its name. The man’s actual story became known only in the 1970s."

Killed-in-action [KIA] the Red Army commissar Aleksey Yeremenko his identify firmly established but only twenty-three years after the fact.

Consider too what I believe will be an iconic image of the Ukraine Conflict. The teen girl fleeing with pets, one under each arm, attempting to reach safety.

EVERY single war produces at least a few iconic images. The Ukraine Conflict will not be an exception.


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