Thursday, July 6, 2023


This is coolbert:

LPR = Lugansk People’s Republic.

"LPR resident sentenced to 14 years in jail for cooperating with Ukrainian intelligence"

From | 5 JUL.

"The sentence has taken legal effect"

This fellow should consider himself to be lucky??

"LUGANSK, July 5. /TASS/. The Supreme Court of the Lugansk People’s Republic has sentenced a local resident to 14 years in a maximum-security prison on charges of cooperating with Ukrainian intelligence."

"The person, a resident of the settlement of Lutugino, was contacted by the Main Intelligence Department of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and offered payment in exchange for cooperation. The man was asked to collect data of military nature designated as state secrets and pass them to Ukrainian intelligence. The court established that from April 2021 to April 2022 the man was engaged in unlawful activity to the detriment of Russian national security."

Normally for a spy an arrest, speedy trial, a guilty verdict with the sentence of death the punishment carried out with all due speed.

This man undoubtedly a low-level agent, willing to collaborate with the Ukrainian providing targeting data of Russian forces, the Ukraine Conflict.

Sun Tzu would refer to such an agent as a "local spy". Need I say that back of the day of J. Stalin the fate of the man would have been drastic in the extreme!


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