Wednesday, July 26, 2023


This is coolbert:

Voluntary duty, not compulsory. Israeli military servicemen their pronouncements bordering on mutiny?

"Air Force [IAF] dismayed by 1,142 air crew reservists’ threat to balk duty in protest over judicial overhaul"

"balk: intransitive verb - To stop short and refuse to go on. To refuse obstinately or abruptly."

From  |  Jul 21, 2023.

"Israel’s air force was rocked back on Friday, July 21, by a letter signed by 1,142 reservist airmen backing to the hilt the protest movement raging against the government’s disputed judicial reforms. This group announced their refusal[al] to turn up for voluntary duty if the reforms are not abandoned. The signatories are fighter jet and helicopter pilots, drone operation crews, air traffic control officers, elite search and rescue personnel and Shaldag commandos."

As with Sayeret Maktal the Shaldag commando unit an elite of an elite. Refusal of such highly-motivated/trained/experienced personnel to perform duty if and when called upon cannot be taken lightly. 

See previous blog entries relevant to topic:


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