Tuesday, July 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

Courtesy here the tip from Lorenzo. 

What does this say? Not good I am afraid. Remedial measures will not come to fruition until 2025?

"Germany lacks a single combat-ready division – "

From https://www.voiceofeurope.com | Reuters | 17.07.2023.

"Currently, Berlin does not have a single combat-ready division which typically consists of over 20,000 troops, according Reuters. However, Germany plans to have the first of three divisions operational by 2025, with the second following in 2027."

"In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the evolving geopolitical landscape, Germany is making significant strides to bolster its military capabilities. Army Chief Alfons Mais has expressed confidence that Germany will possess the best equipped army division among its European NATO allies by 2025."

More is needed and now! Must it even be said! 


* A division usually the largest unit in an army with a fixed standard structure. 20,000 troops per division sounds to be too large but perhaps considering current combat doctrine of a modern army it is not.

* To have "the best equipped army division" means a lot of money going to have to be spent. The current military industrial complex Germany will not be able to keep pace with demand? And that only for one division. Total of three such divisions ideal and the situation more precarious.

* Across the board all the NATO nations will have to proceed with rearming and fast. Goes against the current trend for no conscription, increased taxes and a diminution of social welfare programs for which the European nations are so proud of. 

And to all this General Rommel would say?


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