Monday, July 10, 2023


This is coolbert:

"A thermobaric weapon, also called an aerosol bomb, or a vacuum bomb, is a type of explosive that uses oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a high-temperature explosion. The fuel–air explosive is one of the best-known types of thermobaric weapons."

Vlad of Russia and the Russian in particular greatly fond of the grandiose weapon of prodigious size and destructive power. This however not exactly what I thought it was.

"Vladimir Putin Debuts Deadly 'Thermobaric Drone Ammo' Designed to Obliterate People and Objects: 'No Way of Protecting Yourself From It'"

From | Radar Online | Story by Joshua Wilburn •

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has revealed a new unmanned drone equipped with thermobaric weaponry, which poses a significant threat to targets, leaving their enemies with limited options to defend against it, has learned."


"The drone, designed and built specifically to obliterate individual objects, reportedly comes in two sizes – 2kg and 4kg [four pounds/eight pounds]. This type of weapon is particularly effective against targets inside buildings and fortifications, as it leaves nowhere to hide."

My instantaneous thought was the Russian military now had a kamikaze-like drone able to deliver an enormous thermobaric warhead on target. But this is not so. Rather a mini-drone able to deliver on target an explosive of relatively small but nonetheless lethal nature.


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