Sunday, June 25, 2023


 This is coolbert:

"Everyone who organized and prepared the military mutiny, who took up arms against their comrades — they betrayed Russia and they will be held accountable for this," - Vlad Putin.

"Putin: All those involved in military coup will suffer inevitable punishment"

From  |  24.06.2023.

"In 1917, 'intrigues, squabbles and politicking' triggered a civil war because Russia's victory had been stolen, Putin said in a televised address to the nation in the morning of June 24. He vowed not to let this happen again."

"In his address to Russian citizens and military men, Putin said that masterminds of the armed rebellion were traitors. The president promised that they would suffer 'inevitable punishment.'"

"Similar actions led to the collapse of the army and the state in 1917, when Russia lost vast territories and found itself in the midst of a civil war."

The Russian Revolution of 1917. Russian collapse during the Great War from gross governmental incompetence resulting in cataclysmic events!

Perpetrators of modern-day revolt and rebellion their fate going to be grip if the coup fails!


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