Saturday, June 24, 2023


This is coolbert:

Courtesy Esteban and within context of the Russian Wagner PMC rebellion/mutiny/coup consider how the French newspapers of 1815 covered the return of Napoleon from exile.

"Headlines from March 1815 in the Paris Universal Monitor, the French government’s newspaper, recounting the overthrown Napoleon’s escape from Elba and advance on Paris during the Hundred Days in which he (temporarily) overthrew King Louis XVIII:

* 9th March, the Anthrophagus [cannibal] has quitted his den

* 10th, the Corsican Ogre has landed at Cape Juan

* 11th, the Tiger has arrived at Gap

* 12th, the Monster slept at Grenoble

* 13th, the Tyrant has passed through Lyons

* 14th, the Usurper is directing his steps towards Dijon, but the brave and loyal Burgundians have risen en masse and surrounded him on all sides

* 18th, Bonaparte is only sixty leagues from the capital; he has been fortunate enough to escape the hands of his pursuers

* 19th, Bonaparte is advancing with rapid steps, but he will never enter Paris

* 20th, Napoleon will, tomorrow, be under our ramparts

* 21st, the Emperor is at Fontainebleau

* 22nd, His Imperial and Royal Majesty, yesterday evening, arrived at the Tuileries, amidst the joyful acclamations of his devoted and faithful subjects."

HEADLINES as purportedly describing the "advance and march" on Paris by Napoleon all a hoax and fake. Hopefully CNN, the Internet and global worldwide television can do a better job than the French newspapers of 1815.


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