Thursday, June 15, 2023


This is coolbert

More You Tube video the Ukraine Conflict. MANPAD = Man Portable Air Defense.

Russian rotary wing combat aircraft now having embedded electronic apparatus able to defeat heat-seeking anti-aircraft missiles. Measure and counter-measures. Pea-shooter surface-air-missile no longer effective?

"Russian Ka-52 helicopter deflected 18 Western MANPADS by jamming all warheads"

"Vitebsk currently equips almost all the helicopters in the Russian Air Force, according to the MoD, while the export variant, President-S, has been delivered to Egypt for their Ka-52s and Mi-17s, Algeria for their Mi-17s, Mi-26s and Mi-28s, Belarus for their Mi-8s."

Hardly is this brand-new technology. Military equipment that can be retrofitted on existing warplanes and offer greater protection than flares alone. Air Force One according to what I understand has just a system in place and has had for some time.


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