Sunday, June 4, 2023


This is coolbert:

A man for all seasons? Yevgeniyy the owner and commander of the mercenary army Wagner PMC?

Consider this a borderline blog entry but still worthy of being posted.

"Wagner Head Prigozhin’s Past Life as a Children’s Author and Illustrator"

From | 1 June 22.

"The leader of Russia’s notorious Wagner mercenary group who served nine years in prison for theft, interfered in U.S. elections and has been accused of war crimes in Ukraine is not someone usually associated with children’s literature."

"Yet almost 20 years ago, Yevgeny Prigozhin — commonly known as 'Putin’s chef' because he rose to prominence by providing catering services to the Russian president — penned a playful children’s story."

"With the title 'Indraguzik,' a made-up name, the book tells the tale of a little boy and his sister who live with their family inside a huge theater chandelier."

Devoted readers to the blog are invited to read the entire "Moscow Times" article. I pass no judgment year or nay and cannot even begin to tell anyone what to think of this, if anything.


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