Wednesday, May 17, 2023


This is coolbert:

Think yet in addition the Maxim machinegun of the Great War primarily if not almost exclusively used in the direct fire mode of action.

"Indirect fire with the #VickersMG (principles apply elsewhere though): First need to understand that in #VickersMG parlance: DIRECT fire is targets that can be seen from the gun position; INDIRECT fire is for targets that are obscured."

The Maxim machinegun the Ukrainian have an abundance of these old-fashioned but still effective weapons the usage of which during the Ukraine Conflict cannot be denied!

The British during the Great War employing the famous Vickers machinegun [a contemporary of the Maxim gun] in an indirect fire mode of operation. What the British did one-hundred years ago the Ukrainian can do now? Maybe already are.

"The Vickers machine gun was used for indirect fire against enemy positions at ranges up to 4,500 yards with Mark VIIIz ammunition. This plunging fire was used to great effect against road junctions, trench systems, forming up points, and other locations that might be observed by a forward observer, or zeroed in at one time for future attacks, or guessed at by men using maps and experience.2 The British Machine Gun Corps were noted for their use of Vickers machine guns in an indirect fire role, and the ANZAC forces were fond of this as well. Angle-measuring devices (clinometers) and range tables were provided to calculate indirect fire."

Indirect fires by machinegun use to neutralize of suppress the enemy. Institutionalized by the British as they day.

"neutralize — 1. As pertains to military operations, to render ineffective or unusable. 2. To render enemy personnel or materiel incapable of interfering with a particular operation."

"suppression — Temporary or transient degradation by an opposing force of the performance of a weapons system below the level needed to fulfill its mission objectives."

A bunched number of Maxim guns with drone feed for accuracy of fire correction and you are ready to go!


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