Wednesday, May 24, 2023


This is coolbert:

* Excellent military capability  * High level training * Fanatics * Enjoying fantastic financial, moral support from Iran * Ready to use WMD.

"Hezbollah Hosts War Drills For Media Amid High Tensions With Israel"

From | article by TYLER DURDEN | MAY 22, 2023.

"In a rare display of its military potential, the Lebanese fighters of Hezbollah on Sunday staged a series of war drills in front of an audience of invited journalists. The show of force comes as tensions between Israel on the one side, and Hezbollah as well as Palestinians in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza on the other."

Devoted readers to the blog go see the videos and other images.

MANPAD. Rocket artillery. Drone and anti-drone. Anti-tank. Tunnel complexes and fortification. Soup to nuts Hezbollah style. Hezbollah personnel of the Shia Islamic persuasion also having a casual fanaticism their willingness to combat not questioned.

Hezbollah not so long ago rated by the American FBI as # 1 best light infantry in the world.

Taking into consideration only conventional munitions Hezbollah having an arsenal with a firepower capability GREATER than such medium-level world powers such as Great Britain or France. That amount of bang-stuff especially with regard to rocket artillery immense.


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