Tuesday, May 2, 2023


This is coolbert:

Fully expect this too the type of story the Russian can use to their advantage to "make hay".

 "make hay - verb | To take advantage of an opportunity."

"US Installing ‘Atomic Sensors’ Across Ukraine To Detect Use Of Nuclear Or Dirty Bombs By Russian Military"

From https://eurasiantimes.com | the story by Ashish Dangwal | April 28, 2023.

"The US is installing a network of sensors across Ukraine to detect a possible nuclear explosion and bursts of radiation, the New York Times reported."

"The sensors will be able to detect radiation from both a dirty bomb and a nuclear weapon activated in Ukraine, the report said."


"The sensors will presumably serve as deterrence because they would make Russian decision-makers aware the United States can expose the use of a nuclear weapon as a false-flag operation, the report cited the statement as saying."

The Russian will say a big NO and very emphatically so!! This has to do with depleted uranium munitions that are being provided to the Ukrainian from NATO stockpiles. Such will be the Russian perspective.

See previous blog entries the topic the use of depleted uranium munitions Ukraine:





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