Wednesday, April 19, 2023


This is coolbert:

"As the Iraq combat experience shows, they went up in flames. The tank turret was pierced by a 100mm armor-piercing blunt nose projectile fired by a T-55 tank. There were instances when Abrams vehicles were struck by automatic guns of both Bradley and our BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles," - Suvorov.

"Instances are also known when the American tank was destroyed by the first Soviet modifications of T-72 tanks firing old shells 'that were withdrawn from operational use even before the Abrams concept was devised,'" - Suvorov.

"American Abrams tanks vulnerable even to Soviet-era weapons, says expert"

From TASS 26 JAN 2023.

"US President Joe Biden announced on January 25 that Washington would hand over 31 M1 Abrams tanks to the Kiev regime"

"MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/. American M1 Abrams tanks that Washington has decided to hand over to Kiev as military aid have weaknesses that allowed wiping them out with Soviet weapons, including T-55 tanks, during the conflict in Iraq, armor expert, Candidate of Military Sciences, retired Colonel Sergey Suvorov told TASS on Thursday."

American Abrams tanks as not to ARRIVE in Ukraine until 2024?

I would think too it must be understood that all tank designs are a COMPROMISE of the three factors of: * Firepower, * Protection, * Mobility.

Taking these factors into consideration during the design process results in ALL CASES of a tank that has vulnerabilities in some manner.

Mitigation of tank vulnerability achieved by employing the COMBINED ARMS concept.

Always understood all tanks in one way or another susceptible to attack/damage/destruction by some method or approach.

Single tank on tank combat too the Ukraine Conflict rare? This is mostly an artillery war!


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