Thursday, April 6, 2023


This is coolbert:

Pity the plight of the poor Ugandan!

The motherland calls!! If ever threatened!

"President Museveni’s Son Says Uganda Will Send Troops to Defend Moscow"

From the story by JOHN HAYWARD | 3 Apr 2023.

"Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the son of Ugandan strongman President Yoweri Museveni and a general in the Ugandan Army, said on Thursday that his country would send troops to defend Moscow if the Western world goes to war against Russia."

“'Call me a ‘Putinist’ if you will, but we, Uganda shall send soldiers to defend Moscow if it’s ever threatened by the Imperialists!' Kainerugaba thundered on Twitter."

“'In Africa, we only believe in President Putin when it comes to Eastern Europe. The West is wasting its time with its useless pro-Ukraine propaganda,' he said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin."

There is some connection here to the BRICS agenda? Alternative world-order system the major constituent players Brazil/Russia/India/China/South Africa. Wagner PMC already very active in Africa. African countries seen by "outside" players as RIPE for the TAKING. Neo-colonialism and all that. Wealth of the continent coveted and you need to pay off a of local despots to make the whole process of exploitation much easier.


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