Saturday, April 15, 2023


This is coolbert:

One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, now go cat, go!

JUST an exercise! Nothing more than that! Routine!

"READY TO FIRE Putin orders test NUKE launch on the West in surprise show of strength on anniversary of his flagship Moskva sinking"

From  |  Anthony Blair Will Stewart | 14 Apr 2023.

"VLADIMIR Putin has ordered his fleet to test a nuclear missile launch in a surprise revenge move - on the one-year anniversary of the sinking of his flagship."

"The unexpected drills were announced by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu - one year after the sinking of the Moskva."

"Vladimir Putin ordered his Pacific Fleet to undertake surprise war games to test their readiness to stage a retaliatory nuclear strike on the West."

"The Pacific Fleet’s strategic firepower has been seen since Soviet times as Moscow’s main weapon in retaliatory strikes.

THREATS made repeatedly but not carried out at some point become meaningless and hollow. I am telling you people that one day the Russian will feel COMPELLED to use atomic munitions in some manner so as to eliminate any appearance of PAPER TIGER syndrome.


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