Tuesday, April 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

“The video camera surveillance system is used in Moscow to determine where conscripts live, organizations where they work report their personal details to military enlistment offices on the Moscow mayor’s orders. Educational institutions help us find out where conscripts study,”

Comrade! Beware! You are being watched!

Russia recruitment and conscription woe the Ukraine Conflict!

Both articles from "Novaya Gazeta" the tips from Freeper.

1. "Russian colonel responsible for draft fined 400,000 rubles [$5,000 USD] for attempting to get washing machine as bribe"

18.April 2023.

"A Moscow military garrison court has fined Colonel Ivan Mertvichshev, who was responsible for overseeing draft procedures, 400,000 rubles (€4,470) for extortion in the form of attempting to obtain a Bosch washing machine worth 72,000 rubles (€800) as a bribe, Kommersant reports"

This Colonel Ivan corrupt and stupid both at the same time! Now going to some military prison.

2. "Moscow’s draft officer: CCTV system used in Russian capital to determine where potential conscripts live"

18th April 2023.

“The video camera surveillance system is used in Moscow to determine where conscripts live, organizations where they work report their personal details to military enlistment offices on the Moscow mayor’s orders. Educational institutions help us find out where conscripts study,”

"The video surveillance system is used in Moscow to ascertain where potential recruits reside, Moscow’s chief military enlistment officer Maxim Loktev told TASS."

"According to him, the key reason why people refuse to show up at their designated military draft offices is because they do not reside at the place they are registered at. This prevents them from receiving draft notices."

See previous blog entries Russian conscription:




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