Friday, April 7, 2023


This is coolbert:

"There are hurdles to the Royal Canadian Navy's proposal to buy new subs. In the past the navy has had trouble training enough submariners to crew its current fleet of four boats, let alone 12."

"Royal Canadian Navy pitches $60 billion submarine purchase, say defense and industry sources"

Author of the article:David Pugliese  •  Ottawa Citizen | Apr 04, 2023  • 

"But that price tag could climb to $100 billion as military equipment procurement programs are rarely on budget"

"The Royal Canadian Navy is making a pitch for the purchase of up to 12 new submarines at a cost of $60 billion, say National Defense and industry sources."

"The navy is pushing for the acquisition of the submarines to be included in the Liberal government’s Defense Policy Update. Last month at a defense conference in Ottawa, Chief of the Defense Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre acknowledged he was advocating on behalf of the navy for submarines."

My instantaneous thought was that the Canadians would have been highly interested in atomic-powered submarines. But this is not even mentioned. Obviously there would be advantage to having submarines that can operate for long periods of time under the Arctic ice-cap independent in a manner a diesel-electric boat could not be.

However: "Germany, France, Spain, Sweden and Japan all build diesel submarines. So there are many options available."

YES! Air-Independent-Boats available from a variety of sources. Hardly cheap however.

My perception is that the Canadian Navy acquisition of four USED British Victoria-class submarines has been a tremendous failure. Boats too many problems and way too little time on patrol. New boats are needed now. As for a crew of reliable and trained personnel we must take pause?


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