Tuesday, April 11, 2023


This is coolbert:

More Canada stuff!

Canadians military personnel in Africa? Canadians?

As jihadist attacks intensify in West Africa, troops train with Canadian soldiers.

"Flintlock, an annual counterterrorism training program for African forces, resumes with new urgency as Islamist militants target the deserts of the Sahel region"

www.theglobeandmail.com GEOFFREY YORK | AFRICA BUREAU CHIEF 

"Soldiers from Niger storm into a hotel building near Jacqueville, Ivory Coast, mentored by a member of Canada's Special Operations Forces who is visible at rear left."

"Under the watchful eye of a Canadian soldier, heavily armed troops from Niger storm into a three-story hotel and launch a room-by-room close-quarters operation to clear the terrorists who, in this drill, have seized the building."

"At a 400-metre shooting range nearby, another Canadian soldier briefs forces from Niger as they prepare to aim their sniper scopes at a series of targets. A third Canadian is monitoring a unit’s battlefield emergency-aid procedures."

NATO military personnel training the armed forces of the Sahel region [that area just south of the Sahara desert] normally a function of the French? 

West African jihadists among the many "hydra-headed" manifestations of Al Qaeda or the Islamic State.

NOW only if these Canadian military professionals if they are living on the economy reimbursed for their meals! PM Justin, expedite matters!


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