Wednesday, April 12, 2023


This is coolbert:

Devoted readers to the blog strongly encouraged to read this entry and the entire linked article.

ONE possible source but hardly the ONLY possible source!

CAOC = Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC).

"One Possible Source of the Leaked Classified Documents on the War in Ukraine — A Combined Operations Center" article by Larry Johnson Apr. 11, 2023.

"If you want to understand how a collection of highly classified documents could be removed from a secure facility and wind up being distributed to the public, let me introduce you to a CAOC. I know that CAOC sounds a bit like CHAOS, but that is just a serendipitous coincidence. While the following images are real (they were taken at the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar about four years ago) this particular CAOC has nothing to do with the operation underway in Ukraine. I am using it as an example of what the U.S. European Command is doing in Germany to coordinate U.S. and NATO support for Ukraine."

Thanks to Larry his explanation about as good as you are going to get. Classified documents smuggled [?] out of a controlled and guarded environment and find their way onto the Internet a matter of extreme concern to USA and associated allied nations.

Again, devoted readers to the blog and those merely perusing in a much casual manner strongly encouraged to read the entire Larry Johnson article. "ONE possible source but hardly the ONLY possible source!" Indeed!


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