Sunday, April 9, 2023


This is coolbert:

"THOSE with the loudest voices are usually found furthest from the scene of the action!!"

Back to the good old days of "Stalinist methods"?

"‘Not a single step back!’ In a booklet issued to soldiers, the Russian authorities denounce the army’s ‘shameful’ retreat from Kherson and urge a return to ‘Stalinist methods’"

From Meduza ^ | April 5, 2023 | Lilia Yapparova, Sam Breazeale (translation) | 4/6/2023 the tip from Freeper.

"Meduza has obtained a copy of a pamphlet that was written by Russia’s military leadership shortly after the army’s retreat from Kherson in fall 2022. The document, which the military has begun issuing to Russian soldiers upon deployment to Ukraine, reiterates Moscow’s ideological justification for the war, condemns the Kherson retreat as a 'shameful surrender,' and draws extensively from Joseph Stalin’s infamous Order No. 227, where the Soviet dictator called for 'alarmists and cowards' to be 'annihilated' on the spot"

Military movement to the rear [a retrograde operation] if done in an orderly and planned manner well executed not SHAMEFUL!

Again - those with the LOUDEST voices are usually found FURTHEST from the scene of the action!!"


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