Sunday, March 5, 2023

W & D.

This is coolbert:

W & D = White and Dark.

End-of-the-line Bakhmut? A nine-month long siege coming to an end? 

"Race to get last children out of Bakhmut as city becomes ‘hell on earth’"

"With Russian forces closing in, police try to persuade remaining citizens to get out and access routes come under fire"

Story from Peter Beaumont in Kramatorsk | @petersbeaumont14 Mar 2023.

"War breeds euphemism and metaphor. In the battle for the Donbas city of Bakhmut, threatened with a closing encirclement by Russian forces after seven months of bitter fighting, there are 'White Angels' and 'Dark Angels', the 'road of life' . . . and the 'Invincibility Centre'."

"The White Angels, a police evacuation group, scour the lethal districts of the shell-ruined city to evacuate children and the elderly."

"Their counterparts, the Dark Angels, take out the dead. The Invincibility Centre is where the few thousands of civilians who remain can find water and hot food cooked by the volunteers who have stayed in the city, even as in the past fortnight [two weeks] it has faced an increasing threat of finally being overrun."

The concept of "Open City" not used since the time of the Second World War needs to be reinstituted! All Ukrainian military units depart with all due speed, no more military action Bakhmut. Save the lives of the children, elderly, women, the sick and infirm.


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