Friday, March 3, 2023


This is coolbert:

Seems to be real!

You Tube video showing recce mission [reconnaissance] the airfield Belarus where the recently attacked [damaged or destroyed] Russian AWACS warplane flying in/out of.

Read further the translation [thanks to Google translate] from the video:

"Bypol: Not so long ago, the dictator [Putin] once again told his propagandists that he had the best air defense and means against drones. Therefore, all military installations are allegedly in complete safety. What the situation really is is clearly demonstrated by the video transmitted by the combat group of participants in the Peramoga [Victory] plan. 

For 2 weeks, Belarusian partisans, using civilian drones purchased in a store, conducted aerial reconnaissance at the Machulishchi military airfield. 

During one of the successful reconnaissance operations, the drone not only flew into the protected area of the specified airfield, flew near the Russian AWACS A-50U military aircraft, but even landed on its radar station ('dish'). 

 Well, how did the vaunted means of anti-drone warfare show themselves, for the development and production of which tens of millions of rubles of budget funds were spent? The answer is obvious - no way. And was information about these incidents reported to the self-appointed ruler? Of course not."

Reconnaissance of the airfield and the A-50 ongoing for TWO WEEKS prior to the attack? And no one saw a thing? The drone [apparently a commercial quadrocopter] even LANDING on the radome of the A-50.


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