Wednesday, March 1, 2023


This is coolbert:

What is the adage? In wartime you go with what you got and not with what you want!

"Ukraine Situation Report: Russian Tanks Reverting To Cold War Thermal Sights"

Article by | STETSON PAYNE | FEB 25, 2023.

"A near-antique Russian T-62M was seen sporting a decades-old thermal sight as Russian forces scrape the barrel for capable armored vehicles."

Red Army armor refurbished [brought up to original standard] and retrofitted [given the most up-to-date] technology. In this case retrofit strictly of thermal sight but sans explosive reactive armor [ERA].

"Nearly sixty-two years since the first of the Soviet Army’s T-62s entered service, the Russian Army has once again modified the now obsolete tank. The 'T-62M Obr. 2022' as shown in this Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) tweet appears equipped with a thermal sight only about half as old as the tank itself."

See all previous blog entries the Soviet era T-62 tank as applicable to the Ukraine Conflict:


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