Wednesday, March 15, 2023


This is coolbert:

Recruitment for the Wagner PMC? The target audience children? Yevgeniyy this time you have way too far.

"Wagner Group might be working on establishment of 'youth club' in Kola Peninsula"

"An advertisement for the mercenary company was posted on the website of the Education Department in Apatity, Murmansk region."

From the article by Atle Staalesen  | March 11, 2023.

"The advertisement invited local youth to take part in a class of so-called 'profession orientation' with representatives of the [Wagner] private military company."

"It aimed at school kids and was to include representatives of Wagner’s recruitment unit, as well as fighters with experience from the war against Ukraine."

"The warriors were to tell the kids about 'heroic histories' from the war, and also introduce them to the mercenary group’s new 'Wagner Kids Club.'"

"Евгений, пожалуйста, остановитесь. Не разрушайте умы и тела детей. Наем осужденных в лучшем случае приемлем. Другое дело привлечение детей к «героизму», из-за которого их убивают."


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