Tuesday, March 14, 2023


This is coolbert:

Consider this to be in the same league as was Giant Lance from decades ago now. Intimidation!

From theaviationist.com | March 12, 2023 | DAVID CENCIOTTI.

"Let’s Have A Look At B-52’s Mission Over The Baltics And Close To Russia Yesterday"

[In boxes, NOBLE 61 route as seen on FR24 (Screenshots from flightradar24.com)]

"During its sortie the B-52 got closer to St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad than ever seen before on flight tracking websites."


"Using callsign NOBLE 61, the B-52 #60-0026, first flew towards Norway, then headed south, overflew Denmark and once over Poland, it was refueled by a KC-135, and then headed northeast.  Flying over the Baltic Sea towards the Gulf of Finland, the bomber, always tracking online on Flightradar24.com and other flight tracking apps, flew off Kaliningrad Oblast, then turned east pointing more or less towards Saint Petersburg."

Not however so terribly unprecedented with regard to Ukraine. Overflight of Ukraine airspace occurring in 2020 by B-52 bomber vicinity that line of demarcation [contact] Russian-backed separatists and the Ukrainian military.

Nothing new here folks.


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