Thursday, March 2, 2023


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Encircled but hardly yet defeated? Ukrainian army vicinity Bakhmut situation now critical?

"Ukrainian fighters at Bakhmut reported encircled"

From ^ | February 26, 2023 | Stephen Bryen the tip from Freeper.

"Some 10,000 to 20,000 troops comprising the Ukrainian army in Bakhmut are now trapped. Reports say that the city is operationally encircled with diminishing chance of a breakout. To the west of Bakhmut is a lot of open country and not much to prevent a Russian advance all the way to the Dnieper River. There is no hard evidence yet that the Ukrainian army has prepared a second line of defense. This means the way may be open for a possible major offensive by Russian forces. Whether that will happen and what Russia’s goals are remain to be seen"

Click on image to see and enlarged view.

Encircled Ukrainian troops caught in a "pocket" without any means of disengaging or overland relief?

Encirclement as in the Second World War not always meaning defeat and ultimate surrender. Refresh our memory the German experience with encirclement WW2 on the Eastern Front. A means and methodology as more or less institutionalized in specific cases a successful defense possible. Bakhmut will not necessarily be Mariupol.

"Pockets of troops encircled from the experience of the German army WW2 having three options, none of which was surrender."

Courses of Action [CoA] to include:

        1. Overland relief. 2. Breakout. 3. A "moving pocket".

Survival of a "pocket" depending upon:

        1. Morale. 2. Strong leadership/competent command.

Further with regard to morale consider: 

        * Resupply. Ammunition, water, food, treatment of wounded.

Also as pertains to leadership:

        * Commander and subordinates share and endure all privations of the lower ranks.

Admittedly NONE of this going to be easy! Intuitively what exactly in war is easy!


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