Sunday, March 19, 2023

AI China.

This is coolbert:

You always knew it was bad, you just didn't know it was that bad!!

"AI warship designer accelerating China’s naval lead"

"Chinese military study claims AI designs naval ship electrical systems in a day what it would take human designers nearly a year"

Story by By GABRIEL HONRADA | MARCH 19, 2023 thanks to and South China Morning Post.

"China is set to supercharge its naval shipbuilding program with AI, accelerating production rates and potentially cementing its quantitative lead over the US." 

"This month, South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported that a research team from the China Ship Design and Research Center used AI operating on a small computer system to design a warship’s electrical systems in one day."

"This task would reportedly take human designers 300 days using the most advanced computer tools, the source says. SCMP notes that the research team published their findings in the Chinese-language journal Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems last month."


And as extracted from the article and perhaps most worrisome of all:

"The technology can further cement China’s shipbuilding lead over the US. Asia Times reported last month that the US could not match China’s shipbuilding output, as China has 13 naval shipyards, each with more capacity than all seven US naval shipyards combined."

Let us be crystal clear about this. China has thirteen naval shipyards abuilding as compared to the USA seven naval shipyards. AND each of those Chinese naval shipyards has a manufacturing capacity greater than the potential combined output of all seven American naval shipyards COMBINED!!

It is not so much you don't believe it is true, it is more that you don't want to believe it is true!!


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