Thursday, February 9, 2023


This is coolbert:

Once again an occurrence of the Ukrainian Tu-141 intelligence/surveillance/reconnaissance [ISR] drone weaponized in combat mode with explosive warhead!

Russian air defense beware! The chickens are coming home to roost.

"Soviet-era Stryzh recon drone, modernized by Ukraine, likely behind explosion near Kaluga, experts claim"

From the original story "The New Voice of Ukraine" | February 7, 2023. 

"Kaluga Oblast Governor Vladislav Lapsha said on Feb. 6 that an unknown drone crashed near the regional capital city. It was firstly reported that the drone exploded 50 meters above the ground, but lately it was discovered that it had hit the tops of trees and fell."

"Photos from the spot show the wreckage to be that of a Tu-141 Stryzh drone with an OFAB-100-120 small aerial bomb onboard, the outlet wrote."

OFAB-100-120 rate as among the dozen Russian weapons doing the most damage in the Syrian Civil war. OFAB when detonating sending a spew of many thousand of steel balls in all directions.

Kaluga located about 320 miles [200 km.] from Kharkov. Kaluga well within airspace and territory of the Russian Federation.

See all previous blog entries the Tu-141 operating in combat mode:


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